
Venous Wounds

Board-Certified Wound Care & Preventive Medicine in Loveland, CO

Venous Wounds

Venous wounds are one of the most common side effects of poor circulation. Unfortunately, without intervention and treatment, they can increase your risk of more serious health problems. At Rocky Mountain Wound Care Specialists in Loveland, Colorado, wound care expert Amy Pate, MD, MPH, CWSP, provides high-quality care for venous wounds. After an exam and discussing your symptoms, she can make personalized treatment recommendations. Call Rocky Mountain Wound Care Specialists today to receive treatment for venous wounds, or make your appointment online.

Venous Wounds Q&A

What are venous wounds?

A venous wound is a slow-healing ulcer that forms on your lower legs or ankles.  

These wounds aren’t like a typical cut or scrape. They’re the result of poor blood flow and lack of oxygen. If the tissues in your lower extremities don’t get enough oxygen, they break down and become more susceptible to infection.

What are the symptoms of venous wounds?

Venous wounds have an abnormal shape and hard, discolored skin around their borders. Other telltale signs include:

  • Dull ache
  • Foul odor
  • Itching
  • Swelling

If your wound is infected, it may ooze pus or fluid.

Who is at risk of experiencing venous wounds?

Venous wounds affect people from all backgrounds, but various factors may increase your risk, including:

  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • Family history of venous disease
  • Obesity
  • Paralysis
  • Previous injury
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Smoking

You’re more likely to experience venous wounds if you have spider veins or varicose veins.

How are venous wounds diagnosed?

Dr. Pate reviews your medical records, asks about your symptoms, and completes a physical exam. She assesses the location, shape, and size of your wound and checks your surrounding skin. 

Then, she orders several tests, including a doppler study, to see how well blood flows through your veins. Dr. Pate may also order CT scans or an ultrasound to check for damaged vein valves. 

How are venous wounds treated?

Treatment of venous wounds depends on their size, location, and effect on your quality of life. Dr. Pate may recommend:

  • Antibiotics (if there’s an infection)
  • Compression bandages or stockings to improve blood flow
  • Ointments to protect against germs
  • Debridement to remove dead skin or debris
  • Wound cleaning
  • Special bandages to encourage your body’s healing process

You may need to visit Rocky Mountain Wound Care Specialists every few weeks, depending on the severity of your wound. Follow Dr. Pate’s instructions carefully and take all your medications as prescribed.

Is there any way to prevent venous wounds?

You can do various things to reduce your venous wound risk. Dr. Pate recommends eating a balanced diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and quitting smoking. If you have a chronic health problem, like diabetes, take your medication as prescribed and keep up with your treatments to prevent the issue from worsening.

Call Rocky Mountain Wound Care Specialists today to learn more about the treatment of venous wounds, or book your appointment online.

Our Services

Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Arterial Wounds
Venous Wounds
Surgical Wounds
Traumatic Wounds
Atypical Wounds
Radiation Wounds
Advanced Wound Therapy